What's New With Us?

Roca Ridge has been a busy, buzzing place the last few weeks! Projects and improvements abound out here in the country, and we are all so excited by the momentum they’ve created. For one thing, we were thrilled to debut our new website last month and have seen an amazingly positive response; thank you all for your support! Since then, our focus has been gearing up for the impending busy season. We’ve done deep cleaning, minor repairs and many, many, tours. We’ve also undertaken the rather large project of organizing and streamlining many of our storage and “backstage” areas, with great success. A few of our guest areas have been transformed as well: the art studio and kitchen have been refreshed with new paint, and the boutique has undergone major changes in the past week. Though it isn’t quite complete, we’re so excited to begin opening it for regular hours to showcase the talent of local artists and vendors. There are a few more steps in the process, but we’ll be updating you on our progress and the ultimate reveal as we go. If you are an artist or vendor and would like to sell your work with us, please email rocaridgeevents@gmail.com for more information. We’re excited to fill these shelves! Check back for more updates and photos as we continue our journey!